HPB Surgery

HPB Surgery

What is the HPB Surgery division?

The HPB Surgery division of the UEMS was founded in 2008. Every year, it organizes EBSQ examinations, in collaboration with the European–African Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association.

Information Contact:

Prof. Dr. Alejandro Serrablo

Prof. Dr. Alejandro Serrablo

Chairman of the Division HPB Surgery

Prof. Dr. Michelle De Oliveira

Prof. Dr. Michelle De Oliveira

Vice-Chair of the Division HPB Surgery and President of the UEMS HPB Board Exam

Prof. Dr. Andreas Schnitzbauer

Prof. Dr. Andreas Schnitzbauer

Secretary of the Division HPB Surgery

Professor Frederik Berrevoet

Professor Frederik Berrevoet

Treasurer of the Division HPB/Junior member